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CinemArts Experience

Cinema and art experiences for festivals, cinemas and theatres. All audiences.




Sound and art installations.  Madi Canals and Milo Taylor.

We create a miniature world of shadows and sounds. Interactive and for all audiences.


Soundtrack creation with Milo Taylor.


A group of participants will have the opportunity to create the soundtrack for the short films that will be screened later on.

Watch sample.


Atmospheric design with Madi Canals and Andrea Cruz

We use scenic elements and a smoke machine to create a fantastic atmosphere.


Performance, Andrea Cruz.

A fifteen minutes' performance, adapted from the show 'SPIEL', that uses the experimental images of Walter Ruttman. 



Álvaro Sánchez will introduce us to the concepts of fantasy and reality in the history of mankind. He will also talk about the relationship between imagination and science.


Short film screenings with live music.

The screenings will have a special soundtrack, just created by our participants with the help of Milo Taylor.




Cinema and Arts sessions: Presentation

We offer two sessions, each one with a different theme, in which we fuse cinema, art and music: 


'Extraordinary Tales', Fantasy and Reality: We introduce stories that submerge us in a magical vision of life and nature. Which describes the world better? The poetic vision of the old tales or modern science? We will gain insights into other worlds through the work of the first animators.


'Lunatics', Fiction and Science: The trip to the moon was imagined many times before it was a reality. In this session of Wandering Stars, we look at the chronology of these trips, both real and imaginary. We share Jules Verne’s ‘Trip to the Moon’, we discover the visions of Méliès and Fritz Lang and we end with ‘Johnny Express’ a sample of  humour from outer space. 

'Painting with light', with Luna Pérez Visairas


We discover the magic of photography while playing with light; we go shadow hunting and create impossible realities.



'Lights and Shadows' with Madi Canals Halewijn: Experimenting with shadow theatre: Telling our own tales with silhouettes, in black and white and in full colour.





CinemArts Experiences are sessions in which we fuse cinema, music and arts. The cinema is transformed into a space to experiment with our senses. We invite renowned artists in the different artistic disciplines: Art, sound, dance, music, installations...  Together with them, we play with shadows, lights, sounds and movement in the space.

We create original and stimulating experiences for both adults and kids.


This Wandering Stars' format can last for half a day or for a full day. It is specially designed for festivals, theatres, cinemas and multi-functional spaces. On demand, we can also design site-specific programmes.

For more information to program a Wandering Stars in your space, please contact us:

607 547 622


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